Preventing and Fixing Edge Lifting in Paint Protection Film

PPF Edge Lifting

Paint Protection Film, known as PPF, are film applied to your vehicle to prevent damage without changing the looks of your car.

High-quality PPF can last for years if they are maintained. What causes the edges to lift, and how can they be repaired? 

All Paint Protection films will have minor or visible flaws after installation. During installation, lifting edges, air bubbles, and water under the film are common.

Most of these issues can be corrected by the installer after completion. 

Below we will look at PPF installations and how to repair any issues with the installation.

What is PPF?

PPF is a transparent film applied to your vehicle’s front and other damage-prone parts. These can include the front bumper, front fenders, and lower parts of your vehicle prone to road grime and paint chips.

PPF will protect against the sun and other things without altering the look of your vehicle. Most PPFs are designed to last for years and must be cleaned when you clean your vehicle.

Installing PPF

The installation of PPF is complex, takes a lot of time, and can be intricate to install. Not only should it protect your vehicle, but it will also need to be installed, so it is not visible.

Once it is installed, PPF can be cleaned and washed as usual.

Gunk and road debris can build up on the film, but it takes a long time to notice, and they are easily cleaned. Your vehicle will need to be detailed before attempting to install PPF.

Common Installation Issues 

No PPF installation is installed without issues. Any dirt, debris, or imperfections in the paint will show through when the PPF is applied to your vehicle.

It does not matter who does the installation; there will be minor issues and flaws in the installation process.

Some common problems with the installation are air bubbles, water under the film, lift lines, and lifting edges.

Rock chips or imperfections may cause other issues under the PPF in the paint from the factory. The installation of the PPF will magnify these imperfections.  

Fixes to These Issues

Lift lines occur when film sections must be lifted again to remove contaminants.

Water under the film will be able to evaporate when it is exposed to heat and sun.

The installer should ensure that any water trapped under the film is free from air. The water will evaporate and cure out but will leave the trapped air when it is gone.

Edge Lifting of the PPF

The edge lifting occurs when the film edges peel or lift away from the paint. A variety of factors can cause this, including:

Improper installation

 If the PPF is not correctly applied, tension can be placed on the edges of the film, causing them to lift.

Dirt and debris trapped under the film

If dirt or debris is trapped under the film, it can cause the edges of the film to lift as the waste pushes against the film.

Temperature changes

 Extreme temperature changes can cause the film to expand and contract, which can cause the edges to lift.

Age and wear

Over time, the film may start to degrade, which can cause the edges to lift.

Improper cleaning

If the PPF is not cleaned correctly, it can cause the edges to lift as dirt and debris build up on the film.

Cleaning the Edges of PPF

If you do have edge separation, it can be fixed. It will just take a few simple items to clean off the build-up and reseal the edges of the PPF.

To repair the edges of your PPF, you will need toothpicks, q-tips, rubbing alcohol, and a cloth. Start by using the toothpicks to help clear any build-up at the end of the PPF.

You do not need to be aggressive with the toothpick. You want to avoid scratching the paint or lifting the edges further.

After you have removed the majority of the build-up, apply alcohol to a q-tips and use them to clean any remains or residue remaining on the film or the paint.

The alcohol will break up and cleanse the remains of the debris, and the q tip will absorb it.

After removing all the contaminants, you can use a cloth to clean and dry the area to eradicate all the contaminants and residue.

Repairing the Lifting Edge

After cleaning the edges of the PPF, or if you notice it lifting after you install it, can it be repaired? Resist the urge to pick at it and increase the damage already present.

Edges and film that are lifting can be heated and trimmed to get the edges to lay down and adhere to the paint correctly.

How to Maintain the PPF for a Longer Lifespan?

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensuring the longevity of Paint Protection Film (PPF). Here are some tips to help maintain your PPF:

Regular washing

Regularly washing your car with mild detergent and a microfiber towel will help remove dirt and debris that can build up on the surface of the PPF.

Avoid using abrasive or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the film.

Dry the car thoroughly

Make sure to dry the car thoroughly after washing, as water droplets can cause the film to lift or separate from the paint.

Avoid high-pressure washers

High-pressure washers can cause the film to lift or separate from the paint. If you must use a high-pressure washer, keep it at least 12 inches from the film.

Avoid waxing

Waxing the car can cause the film to lift or separate from the paint. If you must wax the vehicle, avoid applying wax to the areas covered by the PPF.

Avoid parking under trees 

Parking under trees can cause bird droppings, sap, and other debris to build up on the film. These can be difficult to remove and can cause damage to the film.

Avoid parking in direct sunlight 

UV rays can cause the film to turn yellow and become less clear over time. Park in a shaded area or use a car cover to protect the film from direct sunlight.

Regular inspection  

Regularly inspect the PPF for any issues such as lifting, yellowing, or peeling. If you notice any issues, address them immediately to prevent further damage.


All installations of PPF will have issues and flaws no matter who or how you installed it. The installer can repair and correct all the issues that are found.

If there is edge lifting after the installation, it can be corrected by cleaning the edges of the PPF and reheating and trimming it to get it to adhere correctly to the paint.

Zico PJ

Zico is a mechanic and car taker for over 10 years. He knows everything there is to know about cars, and he's always happy to share his knowledge with anyone who will listen.

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